Character Profile
- Level:
- 9
- Server:
- Union
- Influence:
- 11,149
- Experience:
- 11,204
- Last Seen:
- 4795 days ago
Player: @Roxy
Character Bio
Brilliant inventor Michelle Winters struggled for years with the troubles of Paragon City. At wits end a heavy depression fell over her when she decided she could never solve the problems of Paragon City with her mind alone. A heavy night of binge drinking ended when she woke with the designs in place for a set of cybernetic augmentations and armor focusing tools to let her channel her intellect into psychic energy assaults. It was a new path for her, but one which in the end excited the young woman and set her to a new path to defend Paragon City directly where her bright ideas alone could not.
Badge Tracking
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