Character Profile
- Level:
- 10
- Server:
- Exalted
- Primary:
- Super Reflexes
- Secondary:
- Martial Arts
- Influence:
- 0
- Experience:
- 13,943
- Last Seen:
- 4532 days ago
Wizened Old Sage
Character Bio
The Wizened Old Sage was born within minutes of the previous bearer of the title passing. A few months later, members of a sect of warrior monks appeared at the home of his family, poor farmers with a large family, and informed them of his status.
For the prestige and the fact that they could not afford another mouth to feed they allowed the monks to take him.
Within years he had advanced rapidly in the arts to which he trained, and he seemed to be wise beyond his years.
Tragedy recently struck, just after his thirteenth birthday when enemies of the monastery attacked and killed many of the monks, many of whom died attempting to aid his escape. Now he searches for answers and seeks to bring justice to those who would do wrong to good people.
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