Character Profile

- Level:
- 23
- Server:
- Protector
- Primary:
- Ice Control
- Secondary:
- Icy Assault
- Infamy:
- 73,611,403
- Experience:
- 287,753
- Last Seen:
- 4459 days ago
Miss Ogyist
Player: randomice
Character Bio
I am not a magic currrupttoor, just a dominator with a lisp...
really I am a little jaded, not so keen on female villians can't trust them, I should know. Given half a chance I will ice them out, really I will ice anyone given a chance!
Badge Tracking

Miss Ogyist has collected 147 of 1461 badges.
147 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
Recently Added Badges
147 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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