Character Profile
- Level:
- 31
- Server:
- Pinnacle
- Primary:
- Super Strength
- Secondary:
- Fiery Aura
- Infamy:
- 1,182,816
- Last Seen:
- 4903 days ago
F1ame Retarded
Player: LKN-351
Character Bio
When James was a teenager, he accidentally caught himself on fire and it never went out. Hes found this flame can be used for tons of useful things but unfortunately it makes other things harder... like writing...
The guy at the registry said there wasnt anything he could do about the spelling error cause hed already sent it in, so James burnt the place down and now hes stuck with this crappy name.
Badge Tracking
F1ame Retarded has collected 62 of 1461 badges.
62 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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62 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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