Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Justice
- Supergroup:
- Pegasus Enterprises
- Primary:
- Earth Control
- Secondary:
- Earth Assault
- Ancillary:
- Fire Mastery
- Influence:
- 23,436,411
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4676 days ago
Character Bio
I was there when it happened. Tanaka had sent us to help fight this alien invasion from another dimension. We had found a hive of these creatures and were on our way to deal with them when we got ambushed. It happened so fast, the memories are still fuzzy. We tried to fight them, but there was far too many. They came at us like a swarm. We were captured and taken aboard one of those ships. They slapped some kind of neutralizers on us to take away our powers. I never saw my teammates after that. Gemstone, Firefly, Slingshot, the rest of the Protectors team. All missing in action. I escaped thanks to the help of some rebellious Rikti. I stowed away on one of those attack cruisers they have and lept to freedom during an attack. I can only hope that the rest of the team managed to get out as well. Dear god, I hope so.
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