Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Triumph
- Primary:
- Broad Sword
- Secondary:
- Super Reflexes
- Ancillary:
- Body Mastery
- Last Seen:
- 4485 days ago
Sword Saint
Character Bio
With no idea what to do after college, Sarah MacNewin decided to take a two week sabbatical in Paragon City. A strange idea had crept into her mind: She dressed in a white cotton t-shirt and white denim pants, and she cut apart a white skirt to make a crude cowl for her face. And as the moon rose, she wandered out onto the streets. She had not roamed two blocks when she encountered a pair of Hellions bullying a young man. The infernalists laughed horribly as they they described to their victim how they would take his wallet, his manhood and his life.
Even now Sarah does not clearly recall the events; there was a moment of beauty and light and violence, and then the Hellions lay on the ground with a dozen broken bones between them and the hapless innocent was cowering and babbling about a woman with the visage of an angel. Sarah felt a strange mixture of embarrassment and exultant triumph. She understood, now, what she wanted to do with her life.
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