Character Profile
- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Freedom
- Primary:
- Gravity Control
- Secondary:
- Force Field
- Ancillary:
- Psionic Mastery
- Influence:
- 19,526,766
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4976 days ago
Mender Tempus
Player: @Ceejer
Character Bio
Mender Tempus is a time traveler who has a perfect sense of time. This means that whenever he jaunts he realizes the exact atomic date down to the nanosecond. He is brilliant scientist and temporal physicist. Because of this he will not touch anything in the past to avoid the 'butterfly effect'. Relying on his powers to control gravity and time to interact with the current 'when'. The only exceptions to this temporal law is the 'true' undead.
Badge Tracking
Mender Tempus has collected 127 of 1461 badges.
127 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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127 verified badges.
Low-Hanging Fruit | In-Game Comparison
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