Character Profile
- Level:
- 18
- Server:
- Victory
- Primary:
- Demon Summoning
- Secondary:
- Dark Miasma
- Infamy:
- 282,872
- Experience:
- 96,539
- Last Seen:
- 5035 days ago
8USC S1154
Player: @Bhaalchild
Character Bio
She's an immigrant (From Hell, but that's a minor detail, right?), and she claims that her "sponsor" (Actually, the demonologist who summoned her, but who's counting?) used her as a sex slave, before she snapped and killed him. (Battered Wife Syndrome, right?) For some reason, though, the jury didn't buy it, and since she didn't go back to Hell when her summoner died, the way she expected, she got sentenced to the Zig. She was so angry at what she saw as the injustice of it all that she began calling herself by the US law that she was certain would let her get away with murdering her summoner. After all, if it works for OTHER immigrant women, why shouldn't it work for her?
Badge Tracking
8USC S1154 has collected 30 of 1461 badges.
30 verified badges.
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