About View


The About view, accessible from the Help menu, displays information about the software, the game and the data files.

Sample Display

Software Version

Current application version. This is the only value that cannot change.

Mids Version

Current version of the "indexes.dat" file for exporting Mids data chunk builds in the Utilities view.

Manifest Version

Current version of the build manifest file "manifest.dat", which is required for detecting City of Heroes and tracking Badges.

If the indicated version shows up in red, then a new Manifest Build file is needed. Either there isn't one available, the one available failed to load, or the game client has a different version.

Game Client Version

Current version of the City of Heroes game client. If the manifest version does not match this and an update cannot be supplied, tracking will be disabled until an update is made available.

Update Now

Immediately checks for updates to the Mids information file and the build manifest file.