

Although Titan Sentinel is 100% original work, it was heavily inspired by HeroStats, a program that tracks character combat performance and was used in the past for tracking Badges. If it weren't for the innovations of HeroStats, we wouldn't be where we are today.

Much of Titan Sentinel's functionality was inspired by Glycerine, which was Titan Network's previous tracking utility and was built upon HeroStats. While Titan Sentinel wasn't built upon Glycerine's code either, you can think of it as a sort of evolution from Glycerine.


Usually you wind up with a big list of names for the team of developers that create the finished product, but Titan Sentinel was a one-man band. All of the programming, the data preparation, the interface design and everything else was handled by just one person: Guy Perfect.

Ideas and suggestions, on the other hand, came from too many sources to count over much too broad a period of time to adequately represent in a document of this scope.


Special thanks to those who tested the project:

  • B. Samson
  • DeProgrammer
  • Diellan
  • Nicro007
  • Sekoia
  • Starlight
  • Tidbit Jr.
  • Turbo Starr

Software Technologies

Portions of the software came from a variety of sources, and their work is greatly appreciated:

  • Microsoft - Creator of the programming environment used to make this project
  • zlib - The compression library of choice for most of the computer industry these days
  • XnView, specifically the GFLAx library from the GFL SDK, for providing an easy to use interface for PNG images