Hero Badge Details
Pirate !
Badge Text: | The dread pirate Randall set up this lighthouse to lure ships to their demise. Der gefürchtete Pirat Randall baute einen Leuchtturm hier, um Schiffe in ihr Verderben zu locken. Le redoutable pirate Randall a érigé ce phare pour attirer les navires dans son piège. |
Requirements: | -867, -144, 1630 N/A N/A |
Tip: | Siren's Call {-867, -144, 1630} N/A N/A |
Category: | Exploration (Siren's Call) |
Issue: | 6 |
SetTitle #: | 197 |
External: | Piratical on ParagonWiki |
Villain Badge Details
Pirate !
Badge Text: | The dread pirate Randall set up this lighthouse to lure ships to their demise. Der gefürchtete Pirat Randall baute einen Leuchtturm hier, um Schiffe in ihr Verderben zu locken. Le redoutable pirate Randall a érigé ce phare pour attirer les navires dans son piège. |
Requirements: | -867, -144, 1630 N/A N/A |
Tip: | Siren's Call {-867, -144, 1630} N/A N/A |
Category: | Exploration (Siren's Call) |
Issue: | 6 |
SetTitle #: | 197 |
External: | Piratical on ParagonWiki |