Hero Badge Details
Badge Text: | You never knew that a simple unreadable book could fetch such a price. Du hättest dir nie träumen lassen, dass ein einfaches, unleserliches Buch einen so hohen Preis erzielen könnte. Qui aurait cru qu'un livre illisible comme celui-là se vendrait aussi cher ? |
Requirements: | Complete the Whispered Rumor tip mission and choose the option to Sell the Malleus Mundi to the highest bidder. WARNING: The Arriviste badge will replace the Trusting badge. N/A N/A |
Tip: | N/A N/A N/A |
Category: | Events (Halloween 2010) |
Issue: | 18 |
SetTitle #: | 1295 |
External: | Arriviste on ParagonWiki |
Villain Badge Details
Badge Text: | Selling the Malleus Mundi to the highest bidder is a choice that may come back to haunt you. Den Malleus Mundi an den Meistbietenden zu verkaufen könnte eine Entscheidung gewesen sein, die du bereuen wirst. Vous avez vendu le Malleus Mundi au plus offrant. Est-ce une décision que vous regretterez un jour ? |
Requirements: | Complete the Whispered Rumor tip mission and choose the option to Sell the Malleus Mundi to the highest bidder. WARNING: The Arriviste badge will replace the Trusting badge. N/A N/A |
Tip: | N/A N/A N/A |
Category: | Events (Halloween 2010) |
Issue: | 18 |
SetTitle #: | 1295 |
External: | Arriviste on ParagonWiki |