Character Profile

- Level:
- 50
- Server:
- Pinnacle
- Primary:
- Dual Blades
- Secondary:
- Willpower
- Patron:
- Soul Mastery
- Experience:
- 39,149,119
- Last Seen:
- 4488 days ago
Dingus Khan
Character Bio
The lesser known (and much less intelligent) nephew of Ghengis Khan, Dingus was presumed dead after the battle of Badger Pass c. AD 1211. In actual fact, Dingus and a small party of warriors had been sent to flank the enemy's commander and take him by susprise. As he and his men made their way under cover of darkness, they stumbled upon a strangely dressed man observing the battleground. Taking him for an enemy spy, Dingus and his men attacked. Their opponent was powerful, seeming to call forth thunder and lightning from the sky as if he were a god. With all of his men defeated, Dingus retreated, planning to watch from nearby and strike again when his foe let his guard down. As he watched, the man called a bright light, stepped into it, and disappeared. Bent on revenge, Dingus followed into the light and found himself on a magical floating island. Having lost his prey, he attempted to follow by stepping into another nearby portal. He now found himself in a place called Mercy Island with no way home.
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